Wordly Wise Book 9 Lesson 6

Embark on a captivating journey with Wordly Wise Book 9 Lesson 6, where we delve into a treasure trove of vocabulary that will elevate your communication skills and broaden your horizons.

Discover the profound meanings behind words like sagacious, solicitous, augment, assiduous, and inadvertent, and witness their transformative power as they illuminate the pages of your writing.

Vocabulary: Wordly Wise Book 9 Lesson 6

Sagacious, Wordly wise book 9 lesson 6

The word sagacious means having or showing keen judgment and good sense.


The word solicitous means showing concern or care for someone or something.


The word augment means to increase or make something greater.


The word assiduous means showing great care and attention to something.


The word inadvertent means done or said without intention or care.


Parts of Speech

Parts of speech are grammatical categories that words are assigned to based on their function and meaning in a sentence. In the given sentences, we will identify the parts of speech of the underlined words:

  • Sagacious: Adjective
  • Solicitous: Adjective

Reading Comprehension

Wordly wise book 9 lesson 6

The reading passage explores the concept of friendship and the qualities that make a true friend. It emphasizes the importance of loyalty, honesty, and shared experiences in fostering strong and enduring friendships.

Summarizing the Main Idea

The central idea of the passage is that friendship is a multifaceted bond built on trust, shared values, and mutual support. True friends are those who are there for us through thick and thin, who accept us for who we are, and who make our lives richer and more meaningful.

Demonstrations of Vocabulary Words

The characters in the passage exemplify the vocabulary words in various ways:

  • Loyal:The main character, Sam, demonstrates loyalty by standing up for his friend, even when it puts him in danger.
  • Honest:Sarah, Sam’s friend, is honest with him about her feelings, even when it’s difficult.
  • Companionship:The friends enjoy each other’s company and share many happy experiences together.
  • li> Unwavering:Despite facing challenges, the friends’ bond remains strong and unwavering.


This lesson provides a foundation for creating compelling written content. Understanding the nuances of vocabulary enhances your ability to express ideas effectively. Here, we delve into the art of crafting a short story and explore the significance of being “wordly wise.”

Short Story

Compose a brief narrative that incorporates at least three vocabulary words from this lesson. Consider weaving them seamlessly into the storyline to showcase your understanding of their meanings.

Importance of Being “Wordly Wise”

Explain the value of possessing a comprehensive vocabulary. Discuss how it empowers individuals to navigate diverse communication situations, convey complex ideas, and foster meaningful connections with others.

Wordly Wise Book 9 Lesson 6 dives into the nuances of language, exploring the subtleties of word choice and usage. It’s like applying the merle norman dry oil serum to your vocabulary, giving it a radiant glow and enhancing its effectiveness.

As we delve deeper into this lesson, we’ll unlock the secrets to using language with precision and eloquence, making our words shine as brightly as the oil serum does on our skin.


Incorporating interactive activities into your lesson plan can make learning more engaging and memorable. Here are two activity ideas that utilize the vocabulary words from Lesson 6 of Wordly Wise Book 9:

Crossword Puzzle and Word Search

Create a crossword puzzle or word search that includes the vocabulary words from the lesson. This activity encourages students to recall the words and their meanings in a fun and challenging way.

Poster or Infographic

Design a poster or infographic that illustrates the meaning of the vocabulary words. This can be a collaborative project where students work together to create a visually appealing and informative representation of the words’ definitions and usage.

Query Resolution

What is the main focus of Wordly Wise Book 9 Lesson 6?

Expanding vocabulary and enhancing reading comprehension through the study of advanced vocabulary words.

How can I use the vocabulary words from the lesson in my writing?

Incorporate them into your writing to enhance clarity, precision, and sophistication.

What are some tips for remembering the vocabulary words?

Use flashcards, create mind maps, practice writing sentences with the words, and engage in discussions.

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