A Gallup Poll Found That Only 28

A Gallup poll found that only 28% of Americans approve of the job Congress is doing, a startling statistic that underscores the deep dissatisfaction felt by the public towards their elected representatives. This low approval rating is a reflection of the deep partisan divide that has paralyzed Congress, rendering it ineffective in addressing the nation’s pressing issues.

The poll’s findings are a wake-up call for Congress, highlighting the urgent need for reforms that will restore public trust and improve its performance. Only through meaningful changes can Congress regain the confidence of the American people and fulfill its mandate to serve the nation.


According to a recent Gallup poll, only 28% of Americans approve of the job Congress is doing. This is a significant finding, as it reflects the public’s growing dissatisfaction with the performance of the legislative branch of government.

The low approval rating for Congress is likely due to a number of factors, including the ongoing partisan gridlock in Washington, D.C., and the perceived inability of Congress to address the nation’s most pressing problems, such as the economy and healthcare.

Public Opinion

The Gallup poll’s findings are consistent with other recent polls that have shown a decline in public support for Congress. A CNN/ORC International poll conducted in January 2023 found that only 23% of Americans approve of the job Congress is doing, while a Quinnipiac University poll conducted in February 2023 found that only 29% of Americans approve of the job Congress is doing.

These polls suggest that the public is increasingly frustrated with the performance of Congress and that this frustration is likely to continue in the months and years to come.

Causes of Low Approval Ratings

The low approval ratings of Congress stem from a multitude of factors, including partisan gridlock, perceived ineffectiveness, and public distrust.

Partisan Gridlock

Partisan gridlock, characterized by deep divisions between political parties, has hindered Congress’s ability to pass meaningful legislation. The inability to find common ground and compromise has led to a perception of inaction and dysfunction.


Congress has faced criticism for its perceived ineffectiveness in addressing major issues such as the economy, healthcare, and immigration. The public may feel that Congress is not doing enough to solve pressing problems or that it is not doing so effectively.

Public Perception of Corruption

Public perception of corruption and lack of transparency have also contributed to low approval ratings. Scandals, ethical violations, and a lack of accountability have eroded public trust in Congress’s integrity and motives.

Consequences of Low Approval Ratings: A Gallup Poll Found That Only 28

Low approval ratings can have significant consequences for Congress, including diminished public trust and confidence in government, difficulties in passing legislation and implementing policies, and a weakened ability to represent the interests of constituents.

Decreased Public Trust and Confidence in Government

When Congress has low approval ratings, it can erode public trust and confidence in government as a whole. This can lead to a sense of disillusionment and apathy among citizens, who may feel that their elected representatives are not listening to their concerns or acting in their best interests.

Difficulty in Passing Legislation and Implementing Policies

Low approval ratings can also make it more difficult for Congress to pass legislation and implement policies. When the public does not trust Congress, they are less likely to support its initiatives, and members of Congress may be less willing to compromise or work together to find common ground.

Weakened Ability to Represent the Interests of Constituents

Finally, low approval ratings can weaken Congress’s ability to represent the interests of its constituents. When Congress is seen as out of touch with the needs of the people, it may be less likely to prioritize their concerns or advocate for their interests.

Potential Solutions

To address the low approval ratings of Congress, several potential solutions have been proposed. These include reforms aimed at reducing partisan gridlock, promoting cooperation, increasing transparency and accountability, and improving the effectiveness of Congress in addressing major issues.

Reforms to Reduce Partisan Gridlock

Reforms to reduce partisan gridlock include measures such as:

  • Changing the rules of the Senate to make it easier to pass legislation with a simple majority, rather than the current 60-vote threshold.
  • Creating a nonpartisan commission to draw congressional district lines, reducing the influence of partisan gerrymandering.
  • Providing incentives for lawmakers to work together across party lines, such as by offering tax breaks or other benefits for bipartisan legislation.

Measures to Increase Transparency and Accountability

Measures to increase transparency and accountability include:

  • Requiring members of Congress to disclose their personal finances and potential conflicts of interest.
  • Making it easier for the public to access information about how Congress spends taxpayer money.
  • Strengthening ethics rules and enforcement mechanisms to hold members of Congress accountable for misconduct.

Efforts to Improve Effectiveness

Efforts to improve the effectiveness of Congress include:

  • Streamlining the legislative process to make it more efficient and less susceptible to delay tactics.
  • Providing Congress with more resources and staff to conduct oversight and investigations.
  • Investing in technology and training to improve the communication and collaboration between members of Congress.

Comparative Analysis

Congress’s approval ratings have been consistently low in recent years. In a recent Gallup poll, only 28% of Americans approved of the job Congress is doing. This is significantly lower than the approval ratings of other institutions, such as the presidency or the Supreme Court.

Trends and Patterns, A gallup poll found that only 28

Congress’s approval ratings have been declining for decades. In the 1950s, Congress’s approval rating was typically in the 60s or 70s. However, it began to decline in the 1960s and has continued to fall ever since.

There are several factors that have contributed to this decline. One factor is the increasing polarization of American politics. In recent years, the two major political parties have become more ideologically distinct, and this has made it more difficult for Congress to find common ground and pass legislation.

Another factor that has contributed to Congress’s low approval ratings is the rise of social media. Social media has given Americans a platform to voice their opinions about Congress, and this has often led to negative feedback.

The low approval ratings of Congress have several consequences. One consequence is that it makes it more difficult for Congress to pass legislation. When Congress is unpopular, members of Congress are less likely to be willing to compromise and work together to find solutions to problems.

Another consequence of Congress’s low approval ratings is that it damages the reputation of the United States government as a whole. When Congress is seen as ineffective and corrupt, it erodes public trust in the government.

There are several potential solutions to the problem of Congress’s low approval ratings. One solution is to reduce the polarization of American politics. This could be done by encouraging more moderate candidates to run for office and by promoting bipartisanship.

Another solution is to reform the way Congress operates. This could include making it easier for Congress to pass legislation and reducing the influence of special interests.

Finally, it is important to educate the public about the role of Congress and the challenges it faces. When the public understands the challenges that Congress faces, they are more likely to be supportive of the institution.

Public Opinion and Media Coverage

Public opinion and media coverage play a crucial role in shaping the approval ratings of Congress. Public perceptions are largely influenced by the information they consume through the media, which in turn affects their attitudes towards Congress and its members.

Media coverage can both reflect and shape public opinion. News reports and editorials can influence public perceptions of Congress’s performance, effectiveness, and trustworthiness. Negative media coverage, for example, can erode public confidence in Congress and lower its approval ratings.

Role of Public Opinion

Public opinion is a powerful force that can influence the actions of Congress. When public opinion is strongly opposed to a particular policy or action, Congress is more likely to reconsider its position or seek alternative solutions. Public opinion can also influence the electoral fortunes of individual members of Congress, as voters may be more likely to support candidates who align with their views.

Role of Media Coverage

Media coverage can play a significant role in shaping public opinion. News reports, editorials, and other forms of media content can influence how the public perceives Congress and its members. Negative media coverage, for example, can erode public confidence in Congress and lower its approval ratings.

Conversely, positive media coverage can help to improve public perceptions of Congress and its members.

Implications for the Future

The persistently low approval ratings of Congress have profound implications for the future of American politics and governance. They reflect a deep-seated dissatisfaction among the American public with the performance of their elected representatives and raise questions about the ability of Congress to effectively address the challenges facing the nation.

One potential implication of low approval ratings is that they could lead to a further decline in public trust in government. If the public continues to view Congress as ineffective and unresponsive, they may become less likely to participate in the political process or to support government initiatives.

This could have a corrosive effect on American democracy, making it more difficult for the government to function effectively.


Congress faces a number of challenges in regaining public trust and improving its performance. One challenge is the deep partisan divide that exists in American politics. Partisan polarization has made it difficult for Congress to find common ground and pass legislation that addresses the needs of the American people.

Another challenge is the increasing influence of money in politics. The rise of Super PACs and other outside spending groups has given wealthy individuals and corporations an outsized voice in the political process. This has led to a perception that Congress is more responsive to the interests of special interests than to the needs of the American people.


Despite the challenges, there are also opportunities for Congress to regain public trust and improve its performance. One opportunity is to find ways to bridge the partisan divide and work together to pass legislation that addresses the needs of the American people.

Another opportunity is to reduce the influence of money in politics. Congress could pass legislation to limit the amount of money that can be spent on political campaigns and to increase transparency in the political process.

FAQ Explained

Why are Congress’s approval ratings so low?

Congress’s approval ratings are low due to a combination of factors, including partisan gridlock, perceived ineffectiveness, and public perception of corruption.

What are the potential consequences of low approval ratings for Congress?

Low approval ratings can lead to decreased public trust and confidence in government, difficulty in passing legislation, and a weakened ability to represent the interests of constituents.

What are some potential solutions to address low approval ratings of Congress?

Potential solutions include reforms to reduce partisan gridlock, measures to increase transparency and accountability, and efforts to improve the effectiveness of Congress in addressing major issues.